home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 rem total music 64 ***
- 5 gosub 12000
- 10 clr: rem voice 1 notes
- 15 dim hi(200),lo(200),ln$(200):rem total number of notes possible is 200
- 20 poke53281,1:poke53280,1:printchr$(144)chr$(147)
- 30 up$=chr$(145):lf$=chr$(157)
- 40 fors=54272to54296:pokes,0:next
- 50 sv=54296:sh=54273:sl=54272:sa=54277:ss=54278:sw=54276
- 100 print"volume [1-15]";chr$(32)chr$(32)"15"
- 101 printup$;:forx=1to13:printchr$(29);:nextx
- 102 inputv1$
- 105 v1=val(v1$)
- 110 ifv1<1orv1>15thengosub7000
- 114 ifv1<1orv1>15thenprintup$up$up$:goto100
- 125 forx=1to22:printchr$(32);:next:print
- 200 print"waveform"
- 202 printtab(10)chr$(18)"t";chr$(146);"riangular"
- 204 printtab(10)chr$(18)"s";chr$(146);"awtooth"
- 206 printtab(10)chr$(18)"p";chr$(146);"ulse"
- 208 printtab(10)chr$(18)"n";chr$(146);"oise";chr$(32)chr$(32)"t"
- 209 printup$;:forx=1to15:printchr$(29);:next:inputw1$
- 210 ifw1$="t"thenw1=17:print:goto300
- 212 ifw1$="s"thenw1=33:print:goto300
- 214 ifw1$="p"thenw1=65:print:goto300
- 216 ifw1$="n"thenw1=129:print:goto300
- 220 ifw1$<>"n"thengosub7000
- 226 ifw1$<>"n"then forx=1to6:printup$;:next:print:goto200
- 300 print"attack/decay [0-240]";chr$(32)chr$(32)"0"
- 302 printup$;:forx=1to20:printchr$(29);:nextx:inputa1$
- 310 a1=val(a1$)
- 320 ifa1<0ora1>240thengosub7000
- 330 ifa1<0ora1>240thenprintup$up$:goto300
- 400 print"sustain/release [0-240]";chr$(32)chr$(32)"240"
- 402 printup$;:forx=1to23:printchr$(29);:nextx:inputs1$
- 410 s1=val(s1$)
- 420 ifs1<0ors1>240thengosub7000
- 430 ifs1<0ors1>240thenprintup$up$:goto400
- 450 print:print"duration of note";chr$(32)chr$(32)"128"
- 451 printup$;:forx=1to16:printchr$(29);:nextx:inputd1$
- 452 ifleft$(d1$,1)<"0"orleft$(d1$,1)>"9"thengosub7000
- 454 ifleft$(d1$,1)<"0"orleft$(d1$,1)>"9"thenprintup$up$up$:goto450
- 456 d1=val(d1$):print
- 458 forx=1to400:nextx
- 460 printchr$(147)chr$(18)"f3"chr$(146)" print & play";
- 461 printtab(24)chr$(18)"f7"chr$(146)" restart"
- 462 printchr$(18)" p"chr$(146)" pause";
- 463 printspc(12)chr$(18)"return"chr$(146)" line feed"
- 464 printchr$(18)" "chr$(94)chr$(146)" erase all";
- 465 printspc(6)chr$(18)"inst/del"chr$(146)" erase note" :print:print
- 467 formd=0to39:poke1624+md,67:poke55896+md,12:nextmd
- 480 geta$:ifa$=""then480
- 499 rem **** a$ selection for notes- octave 4
- 500 ifa$=chr$(65)then hi=28:lo=49:goto700: rem a
- 510 ifa$=chr$(193)then hi=29:lo=223:a$="a#":goto700:rem a#
- 520 ifa$=chr$(66)then hi=15:lo=210:goto700: rem b ** note octave 3 not 4 ***
- 530 ifa$=chr$(67)then hi=16:lo=195:goto700: rem c
- 540 ifa$=chr$(195)then hi=17:lo=195:a$="c#":goto700:rem c#
- 550 ifa$=chr$(68)then hi=18:lo=209:goto700: rem d
- 560 ifa$=chr$(196)then hi=19:lo=239:a$="d#":goto700:rem d#
- 570 ifa$=chr$(69)then hi=21:lo=31:goto700: rem e
- 580 ifa$=chr$(70)then hi=22:lo=96:goto700: rem f
- 590 ifa$=chr$(198)then hi=23:lo=181:a$="f#":goto700:rem f#
- 600 ifa$=chr$(71)then hi=25:lo=30:goto700: rem g
- 610 ifa$=chr$(199)then hi=26:lo=156:a$="g#":goto700:rem g#
- 620 ifa$=chr$(80)then hi=0:lo=0:a$="p":goto700: rem pause
- 635 ifa$=chr$(134)then 9000:rem f3 goto putting data into arrays
- 640 ifa$=chr$(136)then10:rem f7 restart
- 645 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprintup$chr$(13):goto480:rem return- line feed
- 650 ifa$=chr$(20)thenhi=0:lo=0:printchr$(157)chr$(157)chr$(32);:goto480
- 651 rem line650 -inst/del erase single note
- 660 ifa$=chr$(94)thengoto460:rem up arrow symbol clean up screen
- 690 ifa$<>chr$(80)thenhi=0:lo=0:goto480
- 700 pokesh,hi:pokesl,lo:pokesa,a1:pokess,s1:pokesw,w1:pokesv,v1
- 740 forx=1tod1:nextx
- 750 printa$;" ";:pokesv,16:pokesw,w1-1
- 800 goto480
- 1999 *** rem play the tune ***
- 2000 ifn=0 then return
- 2005 forx=54272 to 54296:pokes,0:nextx
- 2010 fornn=0ton-1:pokesh,hi(nn):pokesl,lo(nn)
- 2020 pokesa,a1:pokess,s1:pokesw,w1:pokesv,v1
- 2030 forx=1tod1:nextx
- 2040 nextnn:pokesv,16:pokesw,w1-1
- 2050 return
- 2999 rem *** print notes using letters ***************************************
- 3000 print
- 3002 qt$="notes by letter":gosub10000:forx=1to500:nextx
- 3005 qt$="turn printer on":gosub 10000:forx=1to500:nextx
- 3010 qt$="give tune a name":gosub10000:printup$:printtab(16);:inputaw$
- 3020 open1,4
- 3030 print#1,aw$:print#1
- 3040 fornn=0ton-1:print#1,ln$(nn);:print#1," ";:nextnn
- 3050 print#1:print#1,"total note count=";nn;"plus -1,-1"
- 3090 print#1:close1:goto9200
- 3095 printup$;:forx=0to39:printchr$(32);:nextx:printup$up$up$:print
- 3100 qt$="finished":gosub10000:goto9200
- 7000 qt$="not a legal choice":gosub10000:forx=1to50:nextx
- 7010 printup$:forx=1to30:printchr$(32);:fory=1to25:nexty:nextx:return
- 7999 rem *** data line only print ***
- 8000 print
- 8002 qt$="print data only":gosub10000:forx=1to500:nextx
- 8005 qt$="turn printer on":gosub10000:forx=1to500:nextx
- 8010 qt$="give tune a name":gosub10000:printup$:printtab(16);:inputaw$
- 8020 open1,4
- 8030 print#1,aw$:print#1
- 8040 fornn=0ton-1:print#1,hi(nn);",";lo(nn);",";:nextnn:print#1,"-1,-1"
- 8045 print#1:print#1,"total note count=";nn*2;"plus -1,-1"
- 8050 print#1:close1:return
- 8499 rem *** total program print ***
- 8500 print
- 8510 qt$="print routine":gosub10000:forx=1to500:nextx
- 8520 qt$="turn printer on":gosub10000:forx=1to500:nextx
- 8530 qt$="give tune a name":gosub10000:printup$:printtab(16);:inputaw$
- 8550 open1,4
- 8560 print#1,aw$
- 8565 print#1
- 8570 print#1,"100 for s=54272 to 54296 : poke s,0 : next s"
- 8580 print#1,"110 read sh,sl"
- 8590 print#1,"120 if sh=-1 then 180"
- 8600 print#1,"130 poke 54273, sh : poke 54272, sl"
- 8610 print#1,"140 poke 54277,";a1;": poke 54278,";s1;": poke 54276,";w1
- 8620 print#1,"150 poke 54296,";v1
- 8630 print#1,"160 for x=1 to ";d1;": next x"
- 8640 print#1,"170 goto 110"
- 8645 print#1,"180 poke 54296,0 : poke 54276,";w1-1
- 8650 print#1,"200 data ";
- 8660 fornn=0ton-1:print#1,hi(nn);",";lo(nn);",";:nextnn:print#1,"-1,-1"
- 8690 print#1:print#1,"total note count=";nn*2;"plus -1,-1"
- 8700 print#1:close1:goto9200:rem back for another a$ ***************
- 8999 rem put data into arrays
- 9000 printchr$(19);:forx=0to199:printchr$(32);:nextx
- 9005 printchr$(19);
- 9010 printchr$(18)"f1"chr$(146)" data only";
- 9011 printtab(15)chr$(18)"f2"chr$(146)" total print"
- 9020 printup$;chr$(18)"f3"chr$(146)" pratice";
- 9022 printspc(5)chr$(18)"f4"chr$(146)" print notes"
- 9025 printchr$(18)"f5"chr$(146)" play tune";
- 9030 printtab(15)chr$(18)"f6"chr$(146)" duration"
- 9031 printup$;chr$(18)"f7"chr$(146)" restart"
- 9032 printchr$(18)" p"chr$(146)" pause";
- 9035 printspc(7)chr$(18)" "chr$(94)chr$(146)" erase all"
- 9040 printchr$(19):forx=1to11:print:nextx:rem position line on grey line
- 9100 print"input notes into array routine";up$
- 9150 a$=chr$(94):goto9345:rem get screen and n set up properly
- 9200 geta$:ifa$=""then9200
- 9210 ifa$=chr$(65)then hi(n)=28:lo(n)=49:goto9400:rem a
- 9220 ifa$=chr$(193)then hi(n)=29:lo(n)=223:a$="a#":goto9400:rem a#
- 9230 ifa$=chr$(66)then hi(n)=15:lo(n)=210:goto9400:rem b *note octave 3 not 4*
- 9240 ifa$=chr$(67)then hi(n)=16:lo(n)=195:goto9400:rem c
- 9250 ifa$=chr$(195)then hi(n)=17:lo(n)=195:a$="c#":goto9400:rem c#
- 9260 ifa$=chr$(68)then hi(n)=18:lo(n)=209:goto9400:rem d
- 9270 ifa$=chr$(196)then hi(n)=19:lo(n)=239:a$="d#":goto9400:rem d#
- 9280 ifa$=chr$(69)then hi(n)=21:lo(n)=31:goto9400:rem e
- 9290 ifa$=chr$(70)then hi(n)=22:lo(n)=96:goto9400:rem f
- 9300 ifa$=chr$(198)then hi(n)=23:lo(n)=181:a$="f#":goto9400:rem f#
- 9310 ifa$=chr$(71)then hi(n)=25:lo(n)=30:goto9400:rem g
- 9320 ifa$=chr$(199)then hi(n)=26:lo(n)=156:a$="g#":goto9400:rem g#
- 9330 ifa$=chr$(80)then hi(n)=0:lo(n)=0:goto9400:rem p pause
- 9335 ifa$=chr$(133)thengosub8000:goto9200:rem f1 print data only
- 9340 ifa$=chr$(137)thengosub8500:goto9200:rem f2 print routine
- 9341 ifa$=chr$(134)thenprintchr$(147):n=0:goto458:rem f3 to pratice play
- 9342 ifa$=chr$(135)andn=0then9200
- 9343 ifa$=chr$(135)thengosub2000:goto9200:rem f5 play the tune
- 9344 ifa$=chr$(136)then10:rem f7 start all over
- 9345 ifa$=chr$(94)then10090
- 9346 ifa$=chr$(138)thengoto3000:rem f4 - print notes using letters
- 9347 ifa$=chr$(139)thenprint:print"duration";:input d1:goto9200:rem f6 duration
- 9350 ifa$<>chr$(80)then goto9200
- 9400 pokesh,hi(n):pokesl,lo(n):pokesa,a1:pokess,s1:pokesw,w1:pokesv,v1
- 9410 forx=1tod1:nextx
- 9420 printa$;" ";:pokesv,16:pokesw,w1-1:ln$(n)=a$:rem put ln - list notes
- 9440 n=n+1:goto9200 :rem increase array count & go back for another note
- 9999 rem *** this is scroll type routine**************************************
- 10000 fori=0tolen(qt$)
- 10010 pokesv,7:pokesh,126:pokesl,6:pokesa,120:pokess,30:pokesw,33
- 10020 printleft$(qt$,i+1):pokesv,0:pokesw,32
- 10030 printup$up$:forx=1to40:nextx:nexti
- 10040 fors=54272to54296:pokes,0:nexts
- 10050 forx=1to100:nextx:return
- 10089 rem *** clean up array screen ******************************************
- 10090 er=n+79:rem er = erase notes in array
- 10100 formd=0toer:poke1664+md,160:poke1664+md+1,62
- 10105 poke55936+md,1:poke55936+md+1,2:nextmd
- 10110 printchr$(19):forx=1to12:print:nextx
- 10120 n=0:goto9200
- 11999 rem *** title screen ***************************************************
- 12000 printchr$(147)chr$(5):poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 12002 fors=54272to54296:pokes,0:next
- 12004 sv=54296:sh=54273:sl=54272:sa=54277:ss=54278:sw=54276:up$=chr$(145)
- 12010 forx=1to5:print:nextx
- 12020 print"total music 64":print
- 12030 qt$="1984":gosub10000:print:print
- 12040 qt$="by gary fields":gosub10000:forx=1to500:nextx
- 12050 printup$up$up$:qt$="voice 1 / octave 4":gosub10000:print:print
- 12060 qt$="this aid converts sound to data":gosub10000:print:print
- 12065 qt$="f1- data only print":gosub10000:print
- 12066 qt$="f2- total program w/data":gosub10000:print
- 12067 qt$="f4- converts data to notes":gosub10000:print
- 12070 forx=1to500:nextx
- 12080 printchr$(147)
- 12090 printchr$(18)" letter = note ":print
- 12100 print" a = a "
- 12102 print" b = b "
- 12104 print" c = c "
- 12106 print"shift/c = c# "
- 12108 print" d = d "
- 12110 print"shift/d = d# "
- 12112 print" e = e "
- 12114 print" f = f "
- 12116 print"shift/f = f# "
- 12118 print" g = g "
- 12120 print"shift/g = g# "
- 12122 print" p = pause":print
- 12124 printchr$(18)"other keys are empty":forx=0to39:printchr$(45);:nextx
- 12125 print"up to 200 notes can be constructed"
- 12128 qt$="notes can be ":gosub10000:print
- 12129 qt$="played as notes":gosub10000:forx=1to100:nextx
- 12132 qt$="printed as data":gosub10000:forx=1to100:nextx
- 12134 qt$="listed as notes":gosub10000:forx=1to100:nextx
- 12136 qt$="printed as a program including data":gosub10000:print
- 12200 print"<any key> to begin":
- 12210 get a$:ifa$=""then12210
- 12500 return:rem ** back to main program **************************************